Devoted 1.2 from Neil Souter on Vimeo.


“Devoted” is a daily bible reading and prayer challenge prepared for the members of St Faith’s. If we want to be a community who are being transformed by Jesus, loving like Jesus and impacting the world for Jesus, then we need to be devoted to God, hearing from his word and seeking him in prayer. Together, we’ll set out for the month of February to read God’s word and commit to praying each day.

“DEVOTED” JOURNAL – Download here. 

“DEVOTED” with children

If you have children the Swedish method can be very helpful. With younger children you may want to use a CEV version of the bible. A great place to start is to simply do first point (the light bulb). Before you read out the passage ask them to listen to you read and for them to tell you what they liked. After they share what they liked you could lead them in a prayer based on what they said. Depending on the age of your child you could go further and ask them if they have any questions and finally what they think God calling us to do after reading this passage. This could be done at a set time each day, around the dinner table or before the children’s bedtime as a family.


 You’re not doing this challenge alone! There’s a whole bunch of people from St Faith’s doing it with you. Same passage! Same Day! What an encouragement it would be to share how God has been speaking to you by his Spirit. You can do this in three ways:

  1. In our general conversations when we see each other. Asking each other how the challenge is going.
  2. Come to church and small group ready to share something that God has been teaching/encouraging you in.
  3. Via Social media:
  • St Faith’s Facebook page. If you are on Facebook share on our page what you have been getting out of the studies and prayer time each day.
  • For Twitter and Instargram use the hashtag: #devoted14


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